This product has been discontinued until Spring of 2025.

CNIDC Intel Status

This Data was last updated on: 19-Oct-2024 8:12:28
Great Basin: 3
National: 4
WildCAD Dispatch Levels
Quinn: None
Humboldt: None
Toiyabe: None
Mojave: None
Adjective Fire Danger Rating
Quinn: None
Humboldt: None
Toiyabe: None
Mojave: None
Staffing Level
North: None
South: None
Weather Observations
Winnemucca District
Zone 437LAL 0 Haines Index 0
Zone 424LAL 0 Haines Index 0
Zone 423LAL 0 Haines Index 0
Zone 458LAL 0 Haines Index 0
Battle Mountain District
Zone 424LAL 0 Haines Index 0
Zone 427LAL 0 Haines Index 0
Zone 426LAL 0 Haines Index 0
Zone 460LAL 0 Haines Index 0
Observed Fire Danger Rating Area Indices
Energy Release
Indices for 18-Oct-2024
Quinn FDRA
Humboldt FDRA
Toiyabe FDRA
Mojave FDRA

CNIDC Year to Date Fire Statistics

Agency Number of Fires
by protection
Acres Burned
by ownership
Human Lightning Total Fires Human Lightning Total Acres
Battle Mtn District 10 12 22 91.97    88.88    180.85   
Winnemucca District 29 14 43 17,221.31    19,317.21    36,538.52   
Western Nevada Agency 5 0 5 240.04    0.00    240.04   
Austin-Tonopah RD 0 9 9 0.00    104.80    104.80   
Santa Rosa RD 0 0 0 0.00    0.00    0.00   
CNCI Private 38 6 44 3,100.38    2,689.47    5,789.85   
State 0 0 0 0.00    0.00    0.00   
Bureau of Land Management 39 26 65 17,313.28    19,406.09    36,719.37   
Bureau of Indian Affairs 5 0 5 240.04    0.00    240.04   
Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest 0 9 9 0.00    104.80    104.80   
CNCI Private 38 6 44 3,100.38    2,689.47    5,789.85   
State 0 0 0 0.00    0.00    0.00   
CNIDC Totals 82 41 123 20,653.70    22,200.36    42,854.06   
Updated 19-Oct-2024 7:54:37

Agency Duty Officers
Agency Name Phone
WID/Santa Rosa HTF
Austin-Tonopah HTF
Updated: 19-Oct-2024 8:11:04

CNIDC Daily Staffing
623-1555 or 623-3444
Position Name
Updated: 19-Oct-2024 7:54:54

Resource Status

Winnemucca District - Station 21
Updated: 19-Oct-2024 7:56:04
No Resources
McDermitt - Station 22
Updated: 18-Oct-2024 7:48:01
No Resources
Lovelock - Station 23
Updated: 18-Oct-2024 8:01:51
No Resources
Paradise Valley - Station 24
Updated: 21-Sep-2024 12:04:03
No Resources
Gerlach - Station 25
Updated: 29-Sep-2024 14:05:06
No Resources
Rose Creek - Station 51
Updated: 19-Oct-2024 7:59:54
No Resources
Battle Mountain District - Station 61
Updated: 7-Oct-2024 8:07:58
No Resources
Eureka - Station 62
Updated: 19-Oct-2024 7:57:07
No Resources
Austin - Station 63
Updated: 19-Oct-2024 8:00:29
No Resources
Updated: 19-Oct-2024 7:55:19
No Resources

Overhead on Off-District Assignment

No Overhead on Off-District Assignment
Updated: 19-Oct-2024 8:03:28

Agency Equipment on Off-District Assignment

No Agency Equipment on Off-District Assignment
Updated: 19-Oct-2024 8:03:41

Contract Equipment on Assignment

No Contract Equipment on Assignment
Updated: 19-Oct-2024 8:04:32